Tuesday 15 April 2014

Motivational blogger Karyn Washington commits suicide, aged 22.

Karyn Washington, the young beautiful lady
who founded the blog For Brown Girls has
committed suicide. Karyn killed herself at her
home on April 8th. She was just 22.
Her friends say the popular blogger, who
founded the blog three years ago to 'celebrate
the beauty of dark skin while combatting
colorism and promoting self love', suffered
from depression and mental illness for many
months before taking her life. Friends say the
depression started after she lost her mum to
cancer in 2013.
Karyn, who motivated thousands everyday
through her blog, never shared her problems
with her fans and readers, who were most
shocked when news of her death hit headlines.
Blogger Ty Alexander wrote on his blog
"I wanna pout for a few minutes. I wanna
bubble-snot cry. I wish someone had
told Karyn Washington that she didn’t
have to be strong. She didn’t have to
hold the world’s glaring eyes on her
shoulders. That asking for help was ok.
No matter how you ask for it, it’s ok.
People say all the time, You’re so strong!
That’s so far from the truth. I AM WEAK!!!
I think that’s what has gotten me
through. I don’t judge myself for
bursting into tears in the middle of a
meeting. I don’t judge myself for eating
the entire pint of butter pecan ice cream
(although I just signed up for Crunch)!
And I cannot judge myself for not being
able to save Karyn."
Karyn spread words of hope to thousands of
women everyday. Messages such as this one,
which she shared last year while watching her
mother deteriorate from cancer:
"I am empowered by other strong
women and girls. Even by those who
don’t necessarily know they are
inspiring. Women who are doing what
they can to uplift others around them
and make a difference in their
community motivate me to do the same.
I think it is so important for women no
matter what complexion, race, or
religious background to be united in
making sure our voices are heard — that
we are being leaders and positive role
models to the younger generation."
May her soul rest in peace, AMen

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