Sunday 20 April 2014

chris brown comiuflage lambogini.

I have no shame about it. I love any chance to
make fun of Chris Brown. He's a violent, abrasive
asshole with poor taste. So it pains me to say that
the new paint job on his Lamborghini
Aventador is not that bad. In fact, it's pretty
Not as cool was JC Customz prolonged social
media hype to unveil the makeover. The shop
posted a photo of the covered Aventador on
Instagram last week. A few days later the shop
posted another photo, this time of the Lambo
before coming to the shop. Finally the finished
product was revealed Saturday. As cool as it
looks, it was hardly worth the build up. The red,
black, and grey camouflage is hardly
groundbreaking. If it came out with a big stamp
on the hood that said, "I'm sorry to all the people
hurt by my assholeness," then yes, the hype
would have been necessary.

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