Wednesday 23 April 2014

Photo: Ini Edo shares sexy bikini pic as she turns a year older

The actress shared this pic on her instagram
page with a special message to mark her
birthday today. She wrote "In all... Am most
grateful to de one God I serve Jesus Christ in
whom am most pleased. He's kept me alive and
my career soaring. I might nt get it right all de
times but he never fails. He's been my light in
times of darkness nd he's promises are yea and
Happy birthday to her. See another hot pic after the cut.

Nicki Minaj, is that you? Singer steps out in simple dress (photos)

Nicki Minaj is beginning to tone down her
usual outlandish/eccentric style. First was the
demure dress she wore to the MTV Movie
Awards last week, then she's pictured again
looking quite simple and conservative in a
floor-length knitted cream Alexander McQueen
dress at the premiere of The Other Woman in
LA on Monday April 21st. Nicki Minaj starred
in the movie. Kinda prefer her this way. Still sexy.

Monday 21 April 2014

Stephanie Linus and husband celebrate 2nd year anniversary

Stephanie Linus took to twitter today to send a
shout out to her husband Idahosa Linus on
their 2nd wedding anniversary. The two wed on
the 21st of April 2012 in France. Congrats to

Photos from actress Uche Nnanna's wedding today...

Nollywood actress Uche Nnanna married her
Spain-based beau Richard Maduka today
Monday April 21st in Port Harcourt. Congrats
to her. Continue to see more photos...

Photos: Rihanna and bff celebrate 420 (weed-smokers

Rihanna and her bff Melissa shared pics on
their instagram pages yesterday showing them
celebrating 420, which is a code-term that
refers to the consumption of cannabis,
according to wikipedia.
It's like a weed-smokers day, celebrated every
April 20th of the year around the time 4:20
p.m. See more photos after the cut...

"No rumour or gossip can break our marriage" - Annie Idibia.

In a recent interview with City People, Annie
Idibia is quoted as saying no amount of gossip
can ruin her marriage with the love of her life,
2face Idibia
"My husband and I have already made
up our minds that no gist or gossip
would come between us. We laugh over
the controversy. Our friends and families
are even more worried for us but we are
fine and don't bother about the gossip."
That's the spirit!!!

Davido shows off his new ride, the 2014 Mercedes Benz S63 AMG

This new car is worth over N20million. This is
just a few months after he bought a Mercedes
Benz G-Wagon worth over N30million. Wow!

Delta uncovers teenage gay cult in Warri called Yansh

Vanguard reports that Delta State Government,
yesterday, revealed that there's a teenage gay
cult in Warri called Yansh. The teenagers who
are said to be from ages 15 to 18 reportedly
live in rented apartments close to Enerhen
Junction, Warri, where gay men come to sleep
with them and pay them.
This was revealed by the Delta state governor,
Emmanuel Uduaghan, yesterday during his
Easter message to Deltans at the First Baptist
Church in Warri
"These are our sons and men come to
sleep with them. It is through the Edu
Marshals Programme that we discovered
them. We used to know about female
harlots, now we have male harlots.
Unfortunately they are young boys. There
is much government can do, but there is
more we can do as parents.” the governor said.

Chris Brown's bodyguard found guilty in assault case

This is not good, mehn. Chris Brown's
bodyguard Christopher Hollosy, was found
guilty today on assault charges for punching a
fan in the face who tried to take a picture with
Chris in front of the W Hotel in Washington
D.C. back in October 2013.
Chris Brown's trial for the same assault is
expected to begin later today

Sunday 20 April 2014

chris brown comiuflage lambogini.

I have no shame about it. I love any chance to
make fun of Chris Brown. He's a violent, abrasive
asshole with poor taste. So it pains me to say that
the new paint job on his Lamborghini
Aventador is not that bad. In fact, it's pretty
Not as cool was JC Customz prolonged social
media hype to unveil the makeover. The shop
posted a photo of the covered Aventador on
Instagram last week. A few days later the shop
posted another photo, this time of the Lambo
before coming to the shop. Finally the finished
product was revealed Saturday. As cool as it
looks, it was hardly worth the build up. The red,
black, and grey camouflage is hardly
groundbreaking. If it came out with a big stamp
on the hood that said, "I'm sorry to all the people
hurt by my assholeness," then yes, the hype
would have been necessary.

Happy Easter, Everyone!!

Wishing everyone all the special things you
most enjoy for Easter and always! God bless
you and yours. Have a blessed and happy easter.

'Nothing interesting about being married except that it saves you money' - 2Shotz

Talking about what marriage has taught him in
a recent interview with Punch, rapper 2shotz,
who got married exactly one year ago, said
there's really nothing interesting about married
life except for companionship and the money it
saves you...
"I have learnt a lot of things they just
never tell you. There is no interesting
thing about being married except for the
companionship and it saves you some
money. You no longer have to eat out
and you don’t have to spend money on a
couple of girls. Now, it’s just your wife. It
also prevents you from doing some
things that are either promiscuous or
His wife Precious also explained how they met
on Twitter. People are really finding love on
social media. Continue to read what she said...
Precious: I met him on Twitter. I can’t
remember who followed who first, but I
remember he put up a picture of his apartment
and I commented without knowing who he
was.  He thanked me and we got talking. We
moved the conversation from Twitter to phone,
then to Skype. I was in Ireland, came to Nigeria
for Christmas and we met in person.
How would you describe being married?
Precious: It has been good and different
because you have this person who is always
telling you what to do. It took me time to get
used to having to submit wholly .In Ireland, I
started making my own money at age 16 and by
the time I was 18, I had my own apartment. I
had become used to being independent.
Is there anything you would like to change
about each other?
2shotz: Her mouth. You know how women talk,
they are never satisfied.
Precious: That I don’t like certain things about
him does not mean I can’t live with it. But I will
like him to be less stubborn. He is an Igbo man
who is deeply rooted in the Igbo culture which
makes him think in a certain way. At times, he
is not willing to bend the rules just to make it
happen. I am just learning the values and
tradition of my people.

Mila Kunis finally shows off baby bump.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher's love story
kinda tell me one thing; what is meant to be
will be. They both featured in the 90's sitcom
'That 70's Show'. They didn't date back then,
didn't particularly like each other, didn't even
keep in touch over the years. She dated a few
people including Macaulay Culkin who she
dated for seven years. He dated several people
and was with Demi Moore for a total of eight
years and married for six. Somehow after over
twelve years, they found each other again and
are engaged and expecting their first child.
Awwww, I love a good love story. Congrats to them.

Nigerian students in Malaysia cry for justice, write open letter.

Nigerian Students studying in Malaysia have
written an open letter to President Jonathan
seeking his intervention in what they described
as the continued injustice meted on them by
the Malaysian police authorities.
The students under the aegis, National
Association of Nigerian Students Asia, in their
letter which was signed by the President of the
association, Prince David O.C Nwaogwugwu,
cataloged cases of undue police harassment
faced by some Nigerian students and also
accused the Nigerian Consulate staff in
Malaysian of being non-nonchalant towards the
harassment and victimization they have faced
in recent times. Continue...
Nwaogwugwu said;
"Nigerians are now constantly being
duped of their tuition fees and falsely
accused of crimes not committed by the
institutions they study in, their
apartments being regularly raided even
without warrants, blackmailed and set up
for the purpose of extortion, falsified
evidence accepted by judges against
them in courts which are presented by
the police and prosecutors, deported by
the immigration authorities for the
failure of the institutions of learning and
the same immigration departments who
fail to quickly process the renewal of
Visa for these Nigerian students who
have handed in their passports for
weeks, months and even years.
"There are several cases where police
officers in connivance with school
security personnel’s, local and foreign
agents and lawyers go after students who
they believe have financial backing at
home. They blackmail such students and
threaten to put them in trouble if they do
not pay certain amounts of money. Some
of the students who refuse to be
oppressed by such threats are then
arrested, taken to court and false
evidence presented against them. In the
courts, the prosecutors do not allow the
students to speak in protest or self
defense. The proceedings in Malaysia
courts against Nigerian students are
carried out in the Malaysia language of
which Nigerians schooling in Malaysia
are not mandated by any law to study
Malay and therefore do not understand
what the prosecutors are telling the
judge or what the judge is saying to the
court” he said.
Some of the cases involving Nigerian
students includes
Among the cases listed by Nwaogwugwu
was that of Nkem Okpa, a research
student who was detained for 11 days on
mere suspicions three years ago.
There were other cases:
1. Gabriel (2010): Arrested on the street
and thrown into a bus with some people
who had been arrested for drug
possession. He had never met the other
people arrested with him before. Gabriel
was in Sungai Buloh Prisons until 2013
when the culprit pleaded guilty. Gabriel’s
entire life has been ruined for nothing.
2. Oyewole (2013): Student arrested for
not being in possession of his passport
which had been submitted to his school
for visa renewal. The Police went ahead
to carry away cloths and electronics in
his apartment.
3. Segun (2013): House mate to Oyewole.
They were arrested together and their
possessions stolen by the police.
4. Adeniji (2013): A student arrested and
deported while his passport had been
submitted to school for renewal.
5. Victor (2013) Student arrested on the
school campus for being in possession
of drugs he knew nothing about. His
house mate confirmed he was set up. In
court, the police presented false
evidence against Victor. Victor refusing
to be blackmailed by the schools
security and the police inspector in
charge of the case spent about 3 months
in remand until his parents told him to
plead guilty and be done with it. The
High commission was informed but
nothing was done about it.6.
Bartholomew (2013): Arrested for a
crime he knew nothing about. Evidence
and witnesses prove his innocence but
he is still locked up in Jail and the
Nigerian High Commission is saying
nothing.-Body Number : 313….
7. Umar Garkida (2013): Arrested from
his hostel, false evidence of drugs
presented in court against him. He has
refused to be intimidated to plead guilty
and has been in jail since November
while the High commission and his
school are silent.
8. Fahat Sanda (2013): Arrested from his
hostel, false evidence of drugs presented
in court against him. He has refused
intimidation, refused to plead guilty to a
crime not committed and so has been in
jail since November. The school and
High commission are silent.
9. Umar (2014): Arrested from in front of
his hostel by the police. Asked for his
passport which he had submitted to the
school for renewal of Visa, he stated his
case and presented his ID as the Student
Rep President alongside his student ID,
but the police insisted on arresting him
unless he paid some bribe. Umar called
Mr Banum the head of the school
security to come and identify him as the
Student Rep President, but he never
came. The police officer then arrested
Umar and took him to the station and
threatened to put him in trouble. Umar
then succumbed to the threat and paid
Rm300 to regain his freedom on the
spot. On returning to the school
premises, Umar confronted Mr Banum
to know why he refused coming to
identify him but there was no response.
He then requested that the money he
paid be refunded of which Mr Banum
said he will refund him and write a
petition against the officer in question.
Till date, nothing has been heard about
the issue.
10.. Several Nigerian students in
February 2014 were arrested within their
school premises by the police and
immigration personnel’s for not being in
possession of their documents which
had been submitted to the school and
hence immigration for renewal. The
School ignored these students for about
2weeks to suffer in detention and the
High Commission did nothing.
Nwaogwugwu also listed in the letter
death cases involving Nigerians
1. Onoche Martins (March 2012): Master
degree student. Killed by Malaysian
Police personnel’s after he allegedly
outraged the modesty of a 43year old
lady by hugging, kissing and exposing
himself by 11am. These accusations do
not make sense to any sane being.
Nothing has been heard from the
Nigerian High Commission.
2. Solomon Okolo (March 2013): Student
from Delta state. Killed by Malaysian
citizens in the presence of Malaysian
police officers after crashing his vehicle.
His wife was at the scene of the incident
and to date, nothing has been heard
about that case or the culprits. The High
commission is silent.
3. Tunde Adelabu (March 2014): A
Student Killed by Malaysia policemen
who ran away after shooting him. Later
on, the policemen came back and
arrested Tunde’s friend who had
witnessed the shooting. Today, nobody
knows where this boy has been taken to
or if he is still alive. The school he
attended are now denying he was ever
their student. The High commission is
still silent.
4. In India on the 25th of March 2014,
Two Nigerians were found stabbed on
Devli Road, New Delhi. One of them
succumbed to injuries and died while
the other is at the AIIMS Trauma Centre.
5. In Malaysia, a Nigerian died in
detention camp sometime in March. The
Nigerian High Commission was invited
for the burial or which they attended
without contacting the family of this
Nigerian. The family of this Nigerian back
home believes their son is alive
somewhere. The High Commission
should give reasons for their action
The students are asking that Mr President
intervene in the matter.

Introducing (special 10% discountfor Easter) is an innovative Nigerian online
fashion retailer, offering clothes and
accessories at affordable prices. Our products
cater to the needs of the fashion forward man
and woman looking to purchase trendy and
quality items at fabulous rates. The latter is the
premise of our name Orijo which is a Nigerian
slang for the word Original; this also depicts
what the company is all about i.e. original and
authentic fashion. Continue...
"We are delighted to introduce our firm into the
emerging and robust online retail market.
Orijodeals aims to eradicate the frustration of
not being able to find affordable and quality
clothing and accessories in this country. With
us, it’s safe to say gone are the days of having
to send friends or family members going
abroad with your shopping list..”
AyodejiAkinyemi, CEO,
Launched in February 2014, the Orijodeals
vision is to be Nigeria’s most reliable and
professional provider of authentic designer
items. The company boasts a repertoire of
items from a range of designers and well-
known brands such as Calvin Klein, Ralph
Lauren, Kenneth Cole, Dorothy Perkins, Burton,
Macys etc. We scour the globe looking for the
best deals for our customers; the days of
travelling abroad to coincide with the sales
periods, are over - Orijodeals is bringing the
sales to your doorstep.
In addition, the company aims to serve
customers in every part of Nigeria. Customers
can easily purchase items on the website by
paying online, via bank transfers or by cash on
Orijodeals is focused on providing its
customers with the optimum shopping
experience. This is built upon our easy-to-use
site which is constantly being updated with new
products; a friendly and professional customer
service to answer any enquires and an efficient
and reliable order dispatch service.
So take your shopping
experience to another level and log unto - the online fashion
store where great prices and fabulous prices
For further enquiries send an email to or call us on
This Easter take advantage of our special 10%
discount on all store items which runs
throughout April 2014. Enter the discount code
EARLYBIRD10 on checkout.
You can also make purchases directly from our
Facebook page, www.facebook/ORIJODEALS
through our Facebook shop.

art drawing.

do you love art drawing cheak out this below»»

Saturday 19 April 2014

Oh wait! Don Jazzy also has the N20million De Grisogono watch

2 days ago, I showed you Freeze Coolfm's De
Grisogono Instrumento watch worth about
$120,000 which is almost N20million (See
here). Apparently Don Jazzy also has the same
watch. These are pics from like four years ago.
Don Jazzy even wore his own with love this guy.  See close up pic.after the cut.

Lifestyles of the young and ultra-rich

David Schottenstein talks about his array of rare whiskies like a teenager might talk about his sports card collection. The 30-year-old multi-millionaire — his net worth has been estimated at around $50 million — owns bottles worth $20,000 or more. “I once bought a bottle that was used at Princess Diana’s wedding,” he said, adding that he only paid $350 for it at an auction.

Wait, it's 20 hours to fly from the US to Nigeria?

According to US singer Keyshia Cole, it is! :-).
#Justplaying. Keyshia Cole is currently in
Nigeria to perform at the Calabar International
Jazz Festival which started yesterday and will
end on Monday. Keyshia will perform
tomorrow Sunday April 20th.

Friday 18 April 2014

New Amazon Fire TV Is All Fun and Games

Amazon Fire TV arrives today. Like Roku and
Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV is a small device that
attaches directly to your television monitor to
deliver streaming movies, TV shows, videos and
music. Users can select from thousands of
Amazon Instant Video titles, as well as content
from other producers, such as Netflix, Hulu Plus
and Crackle. Amazon Fire TV will compete with
existing set-top boxes by delivering additional
features, such as voice search, content filters and
video games.
Sev Zero, the first game released exclusively for
Amazon platforms by Amazon Game Studios, is
available now for just under $7. The game
combines traditional defense tower building with
first-person shooter action. Users who have a
Kindle Fire HD or Kindle Fire HDX can also
download a companion game, Sev Zero: Air
Support, and help their friends play the game
through Fire TV by firing missiles.
The unit is available now for $99. An optional
game controller costs an additional $40.

Sony just announced sales of seven million PlayStation

Sony just announced sales of seven million
PlayStation 4 consoles and promised more
details on its upcoming software update
would follow soon, now here they are. We
still don't have an exact timetable for when
firmware 1.70 will arrive, but now we know
more about its new "SHAREfactory" video
editor and that game pre-loading is in the
update. Many people are familiar with pre-
loading via Steam and other PC services,
which allows gamers to download pre-
ordered games ahead of their release, then
simply unlock the digital copy on the day it's
"released." All it takes is enabling the PS4's
"auto download" feature, and you're done, no
more waiting while overloaded servers choke
on release day.
The other big addition is SHAREfactory, a rich
video editor app that will let gamers spice up
their game recordings (which are getting a
resolution bump to 720p) with filters and
effects, music and picture-in-picture feeds
from the PlayStation Camera. The music
element is particularly interesting because it
mentions both provided tracks and the ability
to import your own original songs, even
though the PS4 can't play MP3s right now. If
that's a surprise addition to the list later, we
won't argue. One other tweak is letting users
decide which friends they will share a clip or
screenshot with from the Share menu itself,
instead of having to go back into settings
first. Additionally, a Japanese press release
indicates the update will bring Remote Play to
Sony's Vita TV mini-console and the ability to
archive those HD Ustream / Twitch
broadcasts online.
While the Xbox One's Upload Studio shares
some of the same features, Sony is going a
step further by letting users post
SHAREfactory videos directly to Facebook, or
move them directly to an external USB storage
device to upload them elsewhere (YouTube).
We called out the PS4's lack of a video editor
when we compared the two system's services
and apps , and while we'll have to wait for
some hands-on time to be sure, that gap may
be closed. Of course, if you prefer DIY
capture and editing, FW 1.70's HDCP-off that
will allow video capture of games over HDMI
will be the big addition, but this makes it
easier for anyone to try it. Now, if only we
knew when we will get to see the new update
(and, hopefully, successive ones to fill in
missing features like MP3, Blu-ray 3D, DLNA).

Is it over with P-Square?

I've been hearing a few stories about Peter and
Paul Okoye of P-Square having issues for a
while now. I hear they disagree on everything
now...songs, videos, ideas etc...but because
they are twin brothers, I figured well, they will
sort things I didn't write.
On Wednesday April 16th, I gathered
exclusively from industry sources that the
brothers fought each other physically during
rehearsals. They had to be separated by their
dancers. This is fact! But I decided to leave the
story alone because which sibling doesn't
disagree sometimes, right? But now their older
brother, Jude Okoye, who is also their manager,
just tweeted that after ten years he's done.
I hear one of the wives is causing some of the
problems between the brothers. *sigh* Dear P-
Square, don't even think of breaking up. You
will break the hearts of millions of
people...including myself. Please stay together.

New Music: Dr Pat - "Anaconda.

On his rise to the top of the rap game with the
hit “Hotter Than Fire", Ft Sheyman & T-Code,
the  New York City based rapper Dr Pat also
known as Kondo Master strikes again with new
surefire hit single "Anaconda' featuring veteran
producer “Young D". Enjoy...

Video: 'Ghost' car appears out of nowhere on busy Russian intersection.

OK, y'all have to watch this video and explain
where the car in front of the BMW appeared
from. There has to be a reasonable explanation
to this. Footage taken from the dash cam of a
vehicle behind this BMW in the pic shows a car
suddenly appearing in front of the BMW after it
turned left at a busy intersection in
Russia...nearly causing an accident. Watch the
video after the cut and tell us what you think.

Football star Didier Drogba launches men's underwear line

Former Chelsea striker, Didier Drogba has launched his own men's underwear line. The 36 year old football star shared a pic of himself modeling shorts from the line. Hmmm..."#betterthingz". He  teamed up with Marseille-based designers HOM last year to create the exclusive range of men's underwear and beachwear which will start selling from May 1. According to Drogba, a percentage from every pair of pant sold would go to his charity foundation, Didier Drogba foundation.

The Forbes Five: Meet Hip-Hop's Wealthiest Artists 2014

Back in 2007, Sean “Diddy” Combs teamed with Jay Z and 50 Cent to create a song titled “I Get Money: Forbes 1-2-3 Billion Dollar Remix.” Less than a decade later, rappers are closing in on ten-figure fortunes, and he’s the nearest of the bunch.Diddy leads the pack with an estimated fortune of $700 million, an increase of $120 million over his net worth last year. The change comes largely from the addition of Revolt TV—the new, music-focused, multi-platform channel of which he’s the majority owner—to his already-hefty portfolio.
Diddy has plenty of competition in the race to $1 billion. His top challengers are Dr. Dre, who ranks second with $550 million, and Jay Z, in third place with an estimated $520 million. The former leapfrogged the latter on this year’s Forbes Five thanks to a large stake in Beats By Dr. Dre, which he cofounded with Interscope chief Jimmy Iovine in 2008.The company controls an astounding two-thirds of the premium headphone market, with annual sales reportedly in excess of $1 billion and growing. Private equity firm Carlyle invested $500 million for a minority stake last year, pushing Beats’ value past $1 billion and likely closer to $2 billion.“Beats has a unique brand—it speaks to a nice young demographic, which is really interesting to marketers,” says Peter Csathy, former president of Musicmatch, an early digital music purveyor acquired by Yahoo YHOO+0.11% in 2004 for $160 million. “When I think about Beats, I think about it as a lifestyle, I think of it as a media company, not just a hardware and music-focused company.”Jay Z’s fortune continues to grow at a healthy clip, too. He’s made multiple nine-figure deals in the past, including his $204 million Rocawear sale in 2007 and his $150 million pact with Live Nation in 2008. But much of his recent growth comes from Roc Nation, his record label and management firm that recently added a sports agency. The outfit gets a single-digit cut of pacts like Robinson Cano’s $240 million monster agreement.Bryan “Birdman” Williams, whose net worth would be over $300 million if he didn’t share his fortune with brother Ronald “Slim” Williams. The duo cofounded Cash Money Records two decades ago; Cash Money continues to grow with a roster that includes Drake, Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne. Birdman has also diversified with Cash Money Content, GT Vodka and the YMCMB clothing line.Rounding out the list is 50 Cent, who owes most of his fortune to his $100 million haul from the sale of Vitaminwater in 2007. Now he’s trying to repeat the feat with companies like SMS  Audio and SK Energy beverages. In the meantime, he’ll reboot his music career by taking his G-Unit Records independent and releasing new album "Animal Ambition" in June."

Thursday 17 April 2014

Photos: Chris Brown's mugshot leaks online.

Someone has leaked Chris Brown's mugshot from his arrest in Washington D.C back in October 2013 after he and his bodyguard assaulted a male fan who attempted to photo-bomb Chris while he was taking a picture with two women. The victim's nose was broken in the attack.

His bodyguard, Chris Hornsby, who was also arrested, is expected to take responsibility for punching the fan during his trial which is set to begin today April 17th.